She Laughed – and I hope you do too

She passed her 69th birthday with aplomb. Working six hours at a music school. Going home to a grilled hamburger. The next morning she took a brisk walk along the river trail that stretches eight miles beside the Animas River from south of town all the way north through Durango, Animas City, and Oxbow Preserve. As she walked, she thought as is her custom. Almost seventy, she mused. Next year I’ll be seventy. And she laughed and laughed. And then, she laughed again with great joy! She is still mobile! She works 32 hours a week outside the home and the remaining hours of daylight she practices and works from home. Her kayak is on top her vehicle. She put it up there – and she takes it down whenever she can and paddles it about the water.

Yesterday she got in her car and drove the 180 miles to Grand Junction to pick up her 90-year-old dad for a visit. As she exited Durango somewhere near Hermosa (which means beautiful- and it was) the green highway sign boldly proclaimed Silverton 26 miles. And she laughed. Are we there yet? We are not as close as we think. She laughed because there are two mountain passes between now and Silverton, two steep and winding mountain grades with sheer drop-offs and precipitous curves and no room for speed or for error. It will not be a 30-minute trip. But it will be beautiful.

Take your time. Laugh lots. Be beautiful.

One thought on “She Laughed – and I hope you do too”

  1. Cherry! I get it. Life is good. Although I cannot wrap my head around “almost 70”. And when I look at my 4 kids who are all in their 40’s and 4 of my grandchildren who are adults, I marvel and come down to reality. 😊

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