In a Music Town: Two Musicians take a hike

Here’s one for you.

Two musicians take a hike up a nature trail in a winter wonderland.

When they get to the top on the hill they come upon seven hanging free chimes.

Musician Number One says: It took me a year to figure out a melody on those things! There isn’t a pattern to the pitches – helped a lot when I found out they were free chimes.

She steps to the chimes, picks up a couple mallets and proceeds to play the melody she composed last summer using each of the seven pitches at hand.

Musician Number Two nods and picks up the mallets taking an experimental hit or two and then looks up at Musician Number One and says: Well this one is out of tune!

The moral of this story – if there is one? Keep on making music, friends! Even when there is no rhyme or reason; even when the chimes are out of tune. And keep on hiking in a music town – you’ll be so glad you did!