Too Much Frugality

I swept the floor twice in a row, and then, the backcountry ranger – who is never as burdened by housework as I – swept the floor again when she came in from the wilderness the next day.  The sweepings were the result of too much frugality. Yes. There is such a thing as too much. When I worked with the school district, I was overly careful with the music funds allocated to me. Cautious and over-thinking to the point my principal commented – you are being too frugal. I took the hint and loosened my Scrooge strings. It is an inherited trait I have consciously pushed against my entire life. Yet once again I have become penny-wise and pound foolish.

I love to visit hot springs and take in the healthful benefits of vapor caves and a mineral soak, but it is a luxury not frequently afforded. Instead, I fill the Victorian clawfoot tub with hot water, add Epsom salt and soak away my aches and worries. This requires regular purchase of Epsom salt at the grocery and a justification of filling the tub to a much greater extent than was allowed in my childhood. Hence, I imagine I live in the freedom of reckless decadence from my frugal upbringing.

Yesterday, I filled the tub and as it was filling, I attempted to transfer salts from the economy bulk packaging to the decorated little canning jar in which I keep a few daily doses. I have a tiny water closet with no cabinet space so I was executing this process on the closed lid of the toilet seat. You guessed it, the salts escaped over the side spilling a tablespoon worth of crystals on the toilet lid. What a waste, thought I. Quickly and efficiently I sat the jar on the toilet tank. Brushed the spillage into my hand and —- the open jar came crashing down from the tank bouncing from toilet seat to the floor, cracking the jar and spilling the entire contents.

As previously stated, I swept twice. The backcountry ranger swept this morning. I swept again before writing this. As soon as my neighbors are awake I’ll run the vacuum hose.– I may even have to mop twice in the same week to clean up all that frugality.

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