Make music or make a living?

Is it true that you can’t follow your heart and still make enough money to live on?

How many musicians labor, toil, worry, and obsess about that?  How many suffer the regular admonitions of those more responsible folks around us who tell us to be sensible, you’ll never make money as a musician?

“You lads and lasses should always remember that 24 record companies turned the Beatles down and that John’s Aunt Mimi said, ‘The guitar’s all very well, John, but you’ll never earn a living with it.’”

Is it true?  Must I find something non-creative, less artistic, by which to earn a living?

At the moment, I am beginning a full-time job that aligns with my other education and hobbies; my organizational fastidiousness, love of walking and out-door beauty, fascination with history and what makes people tick. But while I give wholehearted effort at the office for 40 or more hours each week, will I give up my music?

No way.  I will continue to raise young musicians.  I will continue to play and sing for others every chance I get. I’m not going to let go of that piano anytime soon. That would be to rip out a part of my heart and soul.  Besides – I’ll let you in on a secret:

Over the years I have made more money in music than any other avenue I have ever worked. Am I often a starving musician?  Yes. but I have been able to make much needed money off this gig ever since I was 15.



One thought on “Make music or make a living?”

  1. Ahhhh Cherry, Cherry, Cherry,,,, Indeed I share your frustrations of “How to make music and money at the same time”. At least enough money to exist 😉 Seems ya have to be superior at music to gain any real wealth. I see you have taught and teaching now to some satisfaction.
    I dreamed of being in symphony as principal as some woodwind instrument, but required way more perfection then I was willing to do, so went the other way to high tech avionics with music on the side for hobby and make some money private teaching.
    Loved the word “fastidiousness” as never head/read of such. I’ll be using it in the tech world now 😉 Could have used it earlier in my career.

    May our careers, hobbies and just plain living be continuous JOY indeed.


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