Writing a friendly letter

Dear Friends, 

As you can SEE all is well

I post these pictures to you, not to gloat, nor to conjure jealousy; but so you can see that all is well with my spirit. You know how much mountains mean to me. 

Today, I am enjoying an unfettered day, which is different than a day off or a free day.  Unfettered days can be busy, and I have accomplished a lot mentally, spiritually, and physically.

 These days, I get a real workout just going up and down three flights of stairs.  That means my walks are taken for the sheer pleasure of inhaling sea air and strolling on the beach.  Very uplifting. 

 Yesterday, I trained 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  Wednesday was the same.  Tuesday was my first day of training and I spent all day Monday with son Kevin, DIL Sarah, and the four grandkids. It was lovely to sight-see in Seattle with them.  I treasure my children and grandchildren.

I have a similar picture of Andrea and Philip, in this very same spot, 18 years ago.

 Today, I woke in the company of my thoughts and worked through a number of things before rising.  As my tea and oatmeal heated, I grated three zucchini, grown in my cousin’s garden, and sliced some yellow summer squash to set aside for dinner.  Three trays of green tomatoes are slowing changing color on the granite kitchen window sill.  I have been eating sautéed veggies with a sprinkling of bacon or cheese for most meals.  The owners of the house in which I am rooming (my cousin and his wife) are touring England and I am luxuriating in the solitude of a quality, well-appointed mini-mansion. I am also scoping out the neighborhood for rooms to rent as I take my near daily walks.  

As seen from my window

 This morning the sun was shining brilliantly and I treated myself to a walk to Saltwater Park and a stroll along Richmond Beach,

On a sunny day

snapping a bunch of pictures.  On my return to the house I enjoyed a shower, a pedicure, arranged a few things, and then walked 12 blocks to the Market to buy flour and sugar and eggs (to go with the grated zucchini, don’t you know).  A canvass Core Knowledge bag with shoulder straps is ideal for such a trip to market.

 One of my friends from the dessert of Colorado commented that I will probably meet a lot of interesting folks in Seattle, and she is right.  Seattle is an interesting blend of the Wild West and New England.  I am looking forward to my impending job of checking groceries at Safeway.  Not only will it be nice to make a living, I can’t think of a better way to get to know the community.

 Please write soon.  I long to hear your news.  I am only as far away as your laptop or computer keyboard, so don’t be a stranger.  You have enriched my life.

 Time for me to close now, and walk to the library to post this – also to pick up a good read:  The Shape of Mercy, by Susan Meissner – and a Brian McLaren book.

One thought on “Writing a friendly letter”

  1. Your words take me to your place. Thank you for the glimpse into your world. I am enjoying the last few days of Fall break and getting ready for the run to the Winter holidays. These next weeks will happen quickly and we will soon be into the chill of Winter mornings warmed by the woodstove in our living room. By then, my daughter will be one semester away from graduation and getting ready to spend several months in India next summer. So much to do until those times! In the meantime, I am on a fast where I give one of my work hours (6-7am) each morning. My fast will be completed on Thanksgiving. It will be an interesting Fall this year. I look forward to hearing about your adventures!

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