Carried Shame and the Author

The author, 2008

Originally uploaded by ein feisty Berg

During the course of the writing of my just completed novel I read a number of books about codependence and addiction; not only the usual alcoholism or chemical dependency treatises; but also writings about clean addictions such as caretaking, affirmation addiction, or the currently popular: workaholism

One reoccurring concept, pinpointed as a factor in addiction, which I at first had a hard time wrapping my mind around, was the idea of carried shame. The concept reoccurs often enough that it is safe to say it is a contributing factor in the development of codependence or addiction in an individual. That is; carried shame causes addiction. Carried shame causes the workaholism of the caretaking codependent.

As near as I understand it, carried shame is when one person does or says something abusive or shameful to another. The victim, or the recipient, sees that the perpetrator should be ashamed and is ashamed or embarrassed for them. Or perhaps the recipient is ashamed for being the one that triggered the shameful thing, revealing the flaw in the perpetrator. The victim / recipient is painfully embarrassed or ashamed for the person perpetrating the incident and carries that shame forward in life; trying to assuage the pain (cope) through a variety of ways; perhaps self-medicating with alcohol, or perhaps merely striving to be perfect.

The carrying forward of Carried Shame is most clearly seen in individuals who have suffered violent physical / sexual abuse and self medicate via chemical abuse; but carried shame can also turn up in the most unusual places.

WWJD? Is a fine thing to ask oneself. Yet, too often I have heard it used by bullies in position of authority. It goes something like this: What would Jesus do? Well I’ll tell you exactly what He would have you do. Listen up. I’ve got it all figured out. Just do exactly what I tell you to do; exactly the way I tell you to do it and you will be doing exactly what Jesus wants you to do. Slip up, do any less than precisely what I tell you and….you know where you are going.

This, this abuses the follower or the sinner shamelessly in order to manipulate them, to control them, to meet the standard of the bully, the church, the family or the organization. And this, I believe, causes pain and fear and carried shame.

2 thoughts on “Carried Shame and the Author”

  1. ur novel… kewl. watz it called? watz thz carried shame? ppl jst make mistakes. mistakes hapn all the tym. ppl gotta keep tryin. u cant help wat other ppl do or say. ppl change. stuf changes. u gotta go by wat u believe ur self. lotz a ppl hav tuf tymz. we r all part crazy. we all do stuf an we dont no how it will trn out. jst cuz sumthin duznt work with othr ppl duznt mean we r bad. if we get nokt off 3 horses, maybe we jst tried 3 feisty horses. we dont hav to be ashamed 4ever. we gotta keep wat we believe in r hart an no that God wants us 2 be who we r. God duznt want us 2 jst be victims. we got stuf 2 do in life an its ahead of us. watz behind us iz dun. keep the faith baby. we gotta do wat we no iz ryt an we no it in r hart. nobody noz r hart betr than God duz. He taks to us there. aint no shame in mistakes. jst cant wimp out. life iz tuf. we dont quit. we r jst tufr cuz God helps us be who we r even with all r mistakes. u got deep thots. thats kewl. but come up 4 sum fresh air sum tymz. it makes u feel betr. ur kewl.

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