But What Does It Mean?

Some time ago my daughter-in -law (Sermon on the Mount of Laundry located at sarahsermons.com)wrote a post about “Flip Flop” (http://www.sarahsermons.com/?paged=4) in which she asked “But what does it all mean?” She got a tremendous response in answers.

A day or two later I came home from a weekend trip to higher elevation with my Son, D-I-L and grandbabies and noticed that my best jeans were sporting grass-stain on the rear pockets. Grass Stain! I have not had to deal with grass stain for, oh, 35 years or so.  What does it mean? Grass stain on a 53 year old? I tend to think it has a lot to do with my bucket list; my 10 things I want to do before I die.

5 thoughts on “But What Does It Mean?”

  1. What it means: My kids grew up understanding that, “Mom doesn’t play.” This is because mom was always too busy trying to keep the household on track and do everything right and get other people where they needed to go; pick up the slack left by others, etc.

    In the earlier years, Mom didn’t play because she was afraid it would mess up her hair or her image and it was important to be perfect (see old post, “The decade that was my 20s).

    Mom is now “recovering” from this long held fallacy with the help of grandkids. There is grass stain on my best jeans because I actually sat down on the grass, slid down hills of dirt and grass clumps, rolled around and played with my grandsons. Played, mind you. Made a spectacle of my straight laced self and thought; “hang the raised eyebrows – if there are any-I will be me.”

  2. Could not have described the Bucket List as a movie better myself! That’s just it.
    And if only Dave knew that you were actually sliding down dirt hills as well… 😉 hee hee.

  3. Bucket List revisited: As great movies go – well produced, artistic, scenic, dramatic, great acting – no, it was not a great movie, BUT, the thought provoking premise was great. “What are the important things you need to do or experience before you die?”–including having a bit of joy in your life and bringing joy to others….

  4. Now I know you have lost your mind, or I have no idea what you are talking about. Grass stains on your jeans? No special mystery here.You sat on some damp grass. I do it all the time and it has nothing to do with a Bucket List, a movie I have not seen because it got terrible reviews.

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