Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Best For My Loved Ones

My youngest and MeWhat one wants, more than anything else in the world, is to protect one’s loved ones-particularly one’s children; to see that no harm comes to them, that no evil comes near them. One longs and agonizes to keep them from physical injury; to manage the equilibrium of their emotions so they never fell hurt or pain from failed relationships or angry people.

I want to give my children the experience of all the good I have encountered in life AND give them good things instead of the disappointments. Just what could be the danger in that? Consider this: Beyond becoming a hover mother, I can easily degenerate into a control freak; managing and manipulating all the events and circumstances that touch my loved ones.

How much better would it be to provide the tools, information, and encouragement and be available as a reference rather than a manager?

May I handle the joys and disappointments in my life with such truth and aplomb that those nearest me may be EN couraged – Given courage-to face their triumphs and trials with wisdom and strength!

P. S. The picture? that’s my youngest – PS – and Me

Flat Fourteeners

Hike Flat Fourteeners – I love it! I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the landscape, I love to walk. But….UP? Now that’s not a good thing for me. There was a time I thought I would never have the stamina to make it to the top of a Colorado fourteener even though I camped at the base of many; and later, a time when I successfully climbed Gray’s Peak (14,270). Still later I ascended Mount Bierstadt (14,060) and lived to write about it for a Mountain Writer’s publication – even though I could hardly walk and it hurt to stoop or lift for months afterward. Now I have embarked on Colorado Flat Fourteeners; a program in which I don a pedometer and walk the total number of paces it would take to hike all the Colorado peaks over 14,000 feet. The rest of the Sweet Adelines and I are doing this together. What fun! When I have finished all 53 I get a T-shirt! This week we did Pike’s Peak together (14,110 – now flat) – and I did an additional smaller peak. By the end of next summer I should have all of them in the bag.

In My Spare Time

In my spare time; well its not spare time really, just the time left over after my 40 hour job teaching music. Then again, its not exactly time left over, its time I MAKE. Do you MAKE time? Do you have any secret ingredients for making time that I should know about? Anyway in my “spare time” – meaning the common usage of that word, even though I have established that really, nobody has spare time—I SING! Tuesday is probably the most over-loaded day of my week, for on Tuesday I rise and go to work, teaching about 175 students, then home to check on the household, next to an hour long voice lesson, pick Philip up from work and give him a ride home and proceed to a 2 ½ hour Sweet Adelines rehearsal. But you know what? If I am singing and breathing right, it is a most exhilarating day! I do believe singing for 12 hours might be cheaper than a visit to an oxygen bar and it certainly does release the endorphins and dopamine. In my spare time I make time to SING! What do you do with your spare time – or the time that you make?

Carried Shame and the Author

The author, 2008

Originally uploaded by ein feisty Berg

During the course of the writing of my just completed novel I read a number of books about codependence and addiction; not only the usual alcoholism or chemical dependency treatises; but also writings about clean addictions such as caretaking, affirmation addiction, or the currently popular: workaholism

One reoccurring concept, pinpointed as a factor in addiction, which I at first had a hard time wrapping my mind around, was the idea of carried shame. The concept reoccurs often enough that it is safe to say it is a contributing factor in the development of codependence or addiction in an individual. That is; carried shame causes addiction. Carried shame causes the workaholism of the caretaking codependent.

As near as I understand it, carried shame is when one person does or says something abusive or shameful to another. The victim, or the recipient, sees that the perpetrator should be ashamed and is ashamed or embarrassed for them. Or perhaps the recipient is ashamed for being the one that triggered the shameful thing, revealing the flaw in the perpetrator. The victim / recipient is painfully embarrassed or ashamed for the person perpetrating the incident and carries that shame forward in life; trying to assuage the pain (cope) through a variety of ways; perhaps self-medicating with alcohol, or perhaps merely striving to be perfect.

The carrying forward of Carried Shame is most clearly seen in individuals who have suffered violent physical / sexual abuse and self medicate via chemical abuse; but carried shame can also turn up in the most unusual places.

WWJD? Is a fine thing to ask oneself. Yet, too often I have heard it used by bullies in position of authority. It goes something like this: What would Jesus do? Well I’ll tell you exactly what He would have you do. Listen up. I’ve got it all figured out. Just do exactly what I tell you to do; exactly the way I tell you to do it and you will be doing exactly what Jesus wants you to do. Slip up, do any less than precisely what I tell you and….you know where you are going.

This, this abuses the follower or the sinner shamelessly in order to manipulate them, to control them, to meet the standard of the bully, the church, the family or the organization. And this, I believe, causes pain and fear and carried shame.


When does anger go away? When one’s needs are met.

Trouble is; one often spends one’s life expecting someone else to meet one’s need. In actual fact; I am the only one who can meet my needs. So it follows that my anger goes away when I learn to meet my own needs; take responsibility for my own happiness; take care of myself well rather than second guessing the needs of others and then waiting for someone else to notice and meet my needs, reinforce or reassure. I speak of adults, of course. Children have age appropriate needs. I am no longer a child. I am an adult. How about you?

A Walk

There is nothing quite like a walk; a walk in the park, a walk in an open space, a walk in the mountains. I know of no other activity open to a married woman living single that provides such relaxation, rejuvenation, satisfaction and fulfillment; mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually; as a good long walk in coolness and sunshine.

Oh, there are other things that come close: A good read or polished symphony concert (but where is the physical rejuvenation?). Oh yes, perhaps musical performance? That, too, stretches one: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually—but it is much more directed, mentally and spiritually, than a walk. A walk is very freeing and enlightening


Whew! For some reason I am feeling relaxed, clear-headed, and centered again. Over the past several weeks I felt rather sad and prone to the slough of despond. My novel writing slowed to a crawl due to 1) teenagers in the house and on the computer; 2) finishing of the first draft of the novel and the drudgery of searching for an agent or publisher; 3) the general business of life and work; and, 4) the heat-don’t forget the heat. It is so hot here in the summer that I have to schedule my daily walk early in the morning or late at night. This upsets my writing and inspiration schedule. During the spring months I was in the habit of rising early, going straight to the computer, writing until I hit neck or wrist cramp or couldn’t turn the phrase the way I wanted it. Then I would go shower; return to the computer feeling inspired, usually with a wet-head and day clothes. The next time I needed a break I donned walking shoes to tread the neighborhood for an hour and returned to write for an additional two hours. When P got home from school each afternoon we ate a quick supper, pulled on our serving clothes and walked across the street to work a paid job. In May everything changed: the job, the two students at home in the morning, the heat that hampered the walks, schedule demands and pressures.

A is back at college now and P is at the high school. This makes little difference as I am now working weekdays. I miss my kids, I love my current job, but, both my writing and my psyche have suffered. This week I found a better solution. My writing group now meets only once a month, freeing up three out of four Mondays. Sweet Adelines meets once a week, so Tuesday is my music and girls night. I deleted my Wednesday night meeting, to devote that time to writing and individual spiritual renewal, I find time to walk Thursday through Sunday. The heat of summer has abated a tiny little bit. You know what? I am feeling a lot healthier mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically -Especially when I get enough sleep. Goodnight.
