Each season has its own melancholy

Yesterday, the unwelcome September heat wave broke in a big way.  80 percent chance of rain was predicted.  Yes, I am sure it rained for at least 80 percent of a 24 hour period.  The resulting rain caused occupants of tour buses to repine a visit to the Colorado National Monument on a cloudy day. Just the day before others had faulted western Colorado for the heat. 


We who enjoy 300 plus days of sunshine each year are not complaining. All over the internet acquaintances who have not baked all summer boasted of lemon meringue pies and savory stews. The resulting temperatures caused a spike in my own ability to think and act fast – and to long for travel. Apparently spring is not the only time that Zephirus has swete breeth and folk longen to “goon pilgrimages and palmers for to seken straunge strondes.” Creativity was ushered in by thoughts of fall. My qwerty keyboard and my piano keyboard are humming. 

Change is in the air.

Soon the glorious colors of fall will appear.

Each season has its own melancholy.

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