Needs, Wants and Answered Prayers

It is important to have needs and wants; and to be able to identify them. How else will you know when your needs are met? How else will you know if you got what you wanted-or if a prayer was answered?

For too long I was timid and lazy about this. Rather than coming boldly to the throne of that Higher Power, rather then knocking on the door insistently, repeatedly, until my needs were met and prayers answered; I simply waited, timid and needy, saying to myself, “God knows what my needs are before I ask. My God will supply all my needs. I will know it is a true need, not just a frivolous selfish desire; when the need is met.”

Like everyone else, I have the basic need for food, shelter, and love. I want to be successful enough to feed, shelter, and love others with material provision, too. But it seems I get the cart before the horse a bit if I am straining to do these things for others, but I am still engaged in self-neglect, self-hate, and a homelessness of soul.

I want to take care of myself, to provide for my needs, and to have enough to share with others. I want to love myself grandly, so I can love others as I love myself. These are my identified needs, goals and prayers. I will know when they are answered.

Need, Want or Answered Prayer?

2 thoughts on “Needs, Wants and Answered Prayers”

  1. I think it’s time to change your masthead again. 😉
    I hope your needs are being met, that you are pursuing your wants, and that your prayers, and the things you have no control over, are being answered in the best way possible.
    Miss you much!

    1. Sarah, yes, it is time for a new masthead. I have been waiting for the fog to clear to get a shot of the Olympic mountains across the sound. Thought this would be impossible, but the sun came out today, and there they were, clothed in icy snow.
      Thanks for your blessing. I am pursuing my wants, my needs are being met on a day to day basis.

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