Blue Out of Anything

Artists will tell you that blue is one of the primary colors, you mix it in different amounts with the other primary colors (red and yellow), to make more colors. In other words, you start with blue, you don’t make blue. 

I know better.  I can make blue out of anything. For instance, I am likely to become blue if I get too cold; or if I am overheated. I can get blue by passing a mirror and noticing I have gained weight. I also get blue when I skip meals to loose weight.  Yes, I can get blue from being too hot, too cold, too fat, too thin, overworked or bored.  My blues can come from a lack of exercise, or from over exertion. I can even get blue over the absence of dessert; or from eating too much sugar.

I sometimes try to get rid of blue by mixing in a lot of people.  Even then, I can get blue from being alone in a crowd. Come to think of it, maybe the artists are right.  Maybe I started out blue.  Perhaps it is time to mix in some red and yellow and to enjoy the greens, purples and oranges.

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