Happy Birthday, today we are the same age

Today my oldest turns the same age I am!  He was born 36 years ago, shortly before midnight and he came into the world fast and vocal at the same time and has been fast and vocal ever since. How can this be? I ask myself- this phenomenon that a child and parent are the same age? The secret is: I have not aged.  I still think of myself as 36. Enough about me.  Happy Birthday son. Although my age and maturity might be questionable; your age and success is unquestioned.  You are a man, a real man, a man’s man, and a woman’s man. You protect and provide and pursue and acknowledge in every way your wife, your children; and even extend your care and attention beyond your immediate family to your siblings, parents and grandparents. Who could ask for more? But, there is more.  You are musical, passionately musical. You have not forgotten your dreams.  You perform.  You skate.  You build.  You engage in business. You are devoted to your family. I often say that I love to watch children grow.  Thanks for being such a pleasure to watch for the past 36 years.  Have a great birthday!Happy Birthday

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