Today I Became a Queen

Yes as a symbol of my advancing (ahem) years and maturity, and in an effort to gather like minded friends about me for walks, book discussions, writing inspiration, and general yakking and philosophizing, I founded my own Red Hat Society Chapter, “Purple Mountain Majesty’s Little Red Writing “Hood.”  My title, of course, is Her Purple Mountain Majesty I, and I look forward to adding Majesties II, III, IV and up to my list of walking, talking, reading, and writing buddies. Our ‘Hood will meet as often as possible to hike and write and read what we have written and talk about what we have read and wear what we have red (and purple).

0 thoughts on “Today I Became a Queen”

  1. Oh, you would be sooooo welcome in our court! Of course; royals in the red hat society cannot wear red and purple until they pass that 50th birthday; however, younger members wear PINK hats and Lavender outfits to meetings. And everyone has FUN! – that’s the other rule.

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