Fire and Ice

The Backdoor

Originally uploaded by ein feisty Berg.

Hello, come in. Please wipe your feet and stomp your feet twice. Doug’s shoes and boots have bigger treads than mine or those of the kids. Consequently when he brings in firewood and tends the fires we end up with lots of little cookie cutter snowflake patterned clumps of snow on the satillo kitchen floor, the parquet sitting room floor, and the area around the stone hearth. Today I was in a hurry to remove the snow before it melted into ice water and mud; so I grabbed the brass handled fire place shovel and went to work. Andrea commented, “They should call it a fire and ice shovel.” True. It is the season of FIRE and ICE. And messy floors. Sure a crackling fireplace is cozy and romantic; but, have you ever seen all the bark chips that litter the floor every time you stoke the fire?
Spring will eventually get here. Today it is snowing again.

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